#Pyrrha nikos x jaune arc
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smh0217 · 1 year ago
Jaune, about his proposal to Pyrrha: She said Yes!
Ruby: What was the question?
Ren: Will you marry me?
Ruby: ??? No???
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wu-sisyphus-gang · 2 years ago
Jaune: *on page 1004 on Pornhub*
Jaune: None of them look like her. They just ain’t her bro.
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davidellisartworkstuff · 2 months ago
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"Death had me once, he can have me again once I know our child is safe."
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artsubject13 · 3 months ago
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So you know that reunion scene right
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arc-misadventures · 2 months ago
Signal's Blocked
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Jaune: Looking nice, Pyrrha!
Pyrrha: Oh thank you, Jaune~!
Jaune: It's a good thing you're getting some excessive in while, you're reading!
Pyrrha: Wait… what…?
Jaune: Well, I got to get going, keep up the good work!
Pyrrha: …?!
Pyrrha: What the hell?! Can't a guy get a hint?!
Saphron: Yeah, no. Half of our sisters do the belly splits while reading books… He thinks this is normal for woman, not anything sexy.
Pyrrha: I got fucking sister-zoned?!
Saphron: Yeah… sorry…
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novankenn · 3 months ago
Pyrrha: Shout out to the man that made me realize I was bi....
Ruby and Weiss each being held under the crook of her arms...
Pyrrha: AND into polyamory! 💕💕
Ruby: Eh?
Weiss: Huh?
Vanishes into JNPR's dorm room with them...
Pyrrha: 💕💕 Jaune honey! I found our WAIFUs!!! 💕💕
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superiorsturgeon · 1 month ago
Winter: Jaune Arc, you stand accused of committing unspeakable acts to resurrect your partner! How do you plead?
Resurrected!Pyrrha: *watching from the court gallery* 👋 🙂
Jaune: First of all, they weren’t “unspeakable!” I can tell you all about them right now-
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passionfruitbowls · 1 year ago
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so… there’s a recurring theme in my headcanons…
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moistmailman · 7 months ago
Pyrrha: I’m going to fight the next person who insults Jaune.
Jaune: I suck, I swear.
Pyrrha:………*drops a sword on the ground with a loud metallic clang*
Jaune: Uh…..P-Pyrrha.
Pyrrha: Pick it up.
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reashot · 20 days ago
But I'm Your GF!/Finally Some Arkos.
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Barkeep, another!
Junior: I think you had enough.
Pyrrha: *throws glass*
Junior: Motherfu....
Pyrrha: I will tell you when I have enough!!!
Now pour me a drink, you sorry excuse for a bartender!
Junior: Okay sheesh. Don't blame me when you end up dead in a ditch.
*pours a stiff one*
Pyrrha: *glug*
See! That wasn't so hard now was it!
And leave the bottle.
Junior: *rolls eyes*
Hey Blondie you might want to keep your girlfriend from drinking herself to death. Just a small piece of advice.
Jaune: Uhmm... Pyrr. Don't you think you need to stop.
Pyrrha: *downs the entire glass*
And whose fault is that I have to drink so much in the first place?
Jaune: Me. But you only asked me to talk about my day?
Pyrrha: And you always talked about Ruby, Ruby, Ruby! I'm your girlfriend, Jaune!
Why won't you talk about me more!?
Jaune: Well I can't help it. Ruby is my friend and we share a lot of interests together.
Pyrrha: But I'm your partner.
I've been there for you from the start. I helped you with your training.
She didn't do anything!
Jaune: Hey now, Ruby sometimes helps me out too.
Pyrrha: Why are you always defending her!?
Tell me Jaune are you sleeping with her. Is that it?
Because that makes a lot of sense.
Jaune: Me with Ruby? No way!
We're just friend.
Pyrrha: J-just a friend?!!
I saw how you looked at Ruby. What kind of friend look at each other like that?
I also saw you cuddling with her on a sofa in the break room and on a bed.
Jaune: Ruby likes to cuddle, that's her way of showing affection and she sometimes gets very lonely at night.
Pyrrha: What?! She only ever did it with you!
Jaune: What can I say. Ruby just felt safer around me for some reason. That's what best friends usually are.
Pyrrha: Best friend! Best friend! Tell me Jaune does best friend shower together after training?
Jaune: Simple. She's my shower buddy. We're just showering together because we want to do our part to save water.
Junior: By the brothers, kid. What's wrong with you.
Pyrrha: Y-you are u-unbelieavable!!!
*stands up from her chair*
Hey everyone!
My boyfriend is cheating on me with his best friend!
Jaune: Please, calm down Pyrrha...
Pyrrha: You don't get to calm me down. You cheater!
You think you can just do whatever you want just because you have a big dick!
Hey everyone did you know that my boyfriend's dick is so goddamn big that it should come with a choking hazard sign!
And he is such a great lover that he can make you cum multiple times with just his finger!
Crowd: *gasp*
Junior: Well that's my cue to stay away. You're on your own kid.
Jaune: Okay Pyrrha. Please come down from there let's talk about this at home. We don't need to make a scene.
Pyrrha: Then how come you never asked me to cuddle or shower with you?! Don't you know that I love you so much?
Jaune: I know that. And I'm sorry for making you feel that way. But rest assured that whatever feeling I have for Ruby is nothing like I have with you.
Pyrrha: *cry*
I'm sorry babe.... I know you and Ruby are just friends. And I agree that Ruby is a nice girl to hang out with.
It's just that every time you talk about her and be all happy about it. I felt a little neglected. I want to hang out with you too you know.
Jaune: Well maybe we can hang out together. All three of us.
Pyrrha: *sniffs* I-I mean if she's cool with it.
*doze off*
Jaune: Then I guess we will ask her together.
Pyrrha: *snore*
Jaune: Oh, I guess you're asleep now.
I'm sorry for everything my girlfriend does Junior. You can put it on my team's tab.
Junior: Urgh. Tell you what kid, it's on the house. Just get her the hell out of here.
Jaune: *heave*
???: Hey handsome. Here's my number if You want to hook up later.
Jaune: Uh... Thanks?
Back at the dorm
Ruby: Jaune, Pyrrha? What happened we were worried sick waiting for you... And why is she smelled like uncle Qrow before noon?
Pyrrha: Ugh...
Ruby, keep your hands off... hrugh... My man.
Ruby: Excuse me?
Jaune: My guess is she just has too much to drink.
Ruby: Then we better put her to bed. I mean the rest of the team is already in one after they get tired of waiting.
Jaune: Thanks, Rubes.
*puts Pyrrha to bed*
By the way do you want to have a late night shower with me before we get to sleep? I've been sweating all night.
Ruby: Well... I mean it is good for the environment if we shower together...
So okay.
Pyrrha: * a single tear rolling down her cheek*
Jaune... You liar...
Then the both of them shower together. And nothing is going on between them inside the shower because they're just really good friends.
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brokentrafficknight · 10 months ago
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smh0217 · 1 year ago
Jaune: Pyrrha’s ghost is in my head and she keeps calling me stud muffin.
Weiss: Please leave me alone.
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davidellisartworkstuff · 6 months ago
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"Wait, so who's the girl who led us to you?"
And with an awkward cough and a laugh, both The Rusted Knight and The Tarnished Spartan gestured to her...
"Ahem, well... Team RWBY... Please meet Cassie!
...Our daughter."
"Hey again!" She waved back.
And the stunned silence was deafening.
So everyone, please meet the Afteran daughter of Jaune and Pyrrha in the Ever After! Cassi Nikos-Arc!
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juanarc-thethird · 7 months ago
It's just an expression!
Jaune: *Playing video games*
Jaune: Fuck you dude! Eat my ass!
*BAM!* The door to his room slams open!
Jaune: Huh?!
He turns and sees Pyrrha enter through said door.
Pyrrha: *Horny, walks towards him*
Jaune: Wait! It was just an expression! IT WAS JUST AN EXPRESSION!
Pyrrha: *She walks away in disappointment*
The Next Day
Jaune: *Playing video games again* Like I give a shit…
Jaune: Bitch, blow me!
*BAM!* Again, the door to his room slams open!
Jaune: What the?!
He turns and sees Bleiss enter through said door.
Bleiss: *Horny, walks towards him while applying red lipstick on her lips*
Jaune: WOW! It was just an expression! I swear!
Bleiss: *Walks away very upset*
The Next Day
Jaune: *Playing video games... again* Come on! Come on!!!
Jaune: OH FUCK ME!!!
Out of nowhere Bleiss appears covering his mouth with a piece of cloth and Pyrrha with a rope.
Jaune: *Confuse* Hmm!!!!
Bleiss: Tie him up before he goes back on his words!
Pyrrha: I'm sorry *Ties him up*
Bleiss: Just don't tie around the crotch, we're going to need access~💕
Jaune: *Panic* HMMM!!!!
And then they had steamy consensual sex
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arc-misadventures · 2 months ago
Friends AU:
It's been 6 months since jaune join the ace ops and ironwood has been giving jaune more responsibility after seeing the work his done and even gaining the trust of the poeple
His even been opening up to winter and she's happy to see jaune smile
Wait, What Happened?
Jaune's finger ran across his breastplate, he remember distinctly where precisely, Tryian had stabbed him with his stinger, and yet he couldn't find so much as a scratch on his armour from his stinger.
: Looking for something, Jaune?
Jaune looked over to see, Winter walking across the locker room towards him.
Jaune: Hello, Winter. I'm just checking my armour.
Winter walked over, and stood next to, Jaune running her hand along his chest piece feeling the smooth mental under her gloved fingers.
Jaune: I'm impressed; Atlas's armour's are quite skilled. If it wasn't for the fact that it was me who got stabbed, I dare say I was never stabbed in the first place.
Jaune finished speaking as he put on his armour, and fastened its straps. After, Jaune checked the snugness of his armour, he grabbed a small black box, and pulled out a silver falcon badge, and placed it on his left coat collar. Winter watched as, Jaune put the badge on, eyeing it with extreme suspicion.
Winter: What... What is that?
Jaune: Hmm, oh this?
Jaune turned to look at, Winter as he pointed to the silver falcon badge.
Winter: Yes, that...!
Jaune: Yeah, I got this from, Robyn Hill.
Winter: Robyn Hill gave you that...?
Jaune: Yeah.
Winter: And, why did she give you this... thing...?
Jaune: Uhh...? It's a token of affection...
Winter: A token of what now...?
Jaune: I-It was a thank you! I saved her from, Tyrian, she gave me this as a gift!
Winter: Then why are you calling it a, 'token of affection...?!"
Jaune: W-W-Well, I'm a knight... a k-knight in shining white armour, and I saved the maiden from a monster... S-so she gave me this badge as a 'token of affection!'
Winter: So, you two were just playing on your knightly stereotype...?
Winter was walking ever closer to, Jaune leading to be place his back against the locker as her ice cold gaze stared him down.
Jaune: Y-Yes...?
Winter gave him a look before grabbing his sash, and tightening it, Before using it to pull him closer to her.
Winter: Then this is my token of affection. That I gave to my knight. Remember that!
Jaune: O-O-Okay!
Winter: Good... I'll see you in the meeting room, Jaune.
Jaune: O-Okay...
Winter then let go of, Jaune and started walking away, a noticeable sway in her hips as she left. Jaune slowly slide down the locker doors until his butt slumped on the ground as he exhaled a deep breath as he calmed his nerves.
Jaune: Bloody hell...
: Well, that was something?
Jaune: What?
: Who knew that, Winter could be so jealous. But, for you, Jaune, I can understand why~!
Jaune: Ohhh... shut it, Pyrrha...
Pyrrha: Ah-hahaha~!
Ironwood: Ahh, Specialist Arc. Glad you could make it.
Jaune: Sorry, I'm late, Sir.
Ironwood: It's alright, Mr. Arc. It makes sense that you are a little groggy since it hasn't even been a day since you were in the hospital.
Yang: Wait, Jaune was in the hospital?
Ruby: What was he in for?
Ironwood: Honestly, Mr. Arc, I'm tempted to order you to some, R and R. The last reports I read did said that you're still fighting off the last of the poison in your body.
Nora: Jaune was poisoned?!
Blake: How did that happen?!
Jaune: Only if you do the same, Sir.
Ironwood: That's not happening.
A small chortle of laughter echoed through the meeting hall, but it stopped as, General Ironwood started the briefing.
Ironwood: Now then, two days ago we were alerted to the fact that, Tyrian Callows was in, Mantle...
The presentation started, showing a photo of, Tyrian's insane expression,
Qrow: Ugh, not that deranged fucker...
Ren: This isn't going to be good.
Ironwood: Luckily, thanks to, Specialist Arc's recent actions, we will not need to worry about him causing any chaos.
The next photo of the presentation displayed a photo showing another picture of, Tyrian his mouth, and eyes closed, and a purple ring ran along his neck as it was bent at an odd angle.
Qrow: He's dead?!
Ruby: Jaune killed him?!
Weiss: The hell...?!
Ironwood: And, because of, Specialist Arc actions we've were able to acquire several useful items of information's...
The presentation changed to show a photo, and a diagnostic of, Tyrian's prosthetic tail.
Nora: He got a new tail?
Ruby: Well yeah, he had too after I cut it off.
Nora: Oh yeah, I forgot about that.
Weiss: You did what?!
Ironwood: Thanks to the efforts of the, Atlas Corp of Engineers as well as help from, Dr. Polendina we were able to find a... stylistic signature.
Nora: What's that?
Penny: A set of distinctive stylistic choices, be they patterns, methods, or overall designs that renders someone work identifiable from a glance.
Nora: Wha?
Ironwood: This 'signature' was identified to be from someone we thought dead. This man here...
The slide turned to show a photo of a lanky, scarecrow of a man in a white lab coat.
Ironwood: This man is, Arthur Watts, we assumed he died ten years ago in a lab explosion. Since we never found the body, we can now assume that he faked his death. Now, Arthur Watts is highly skilled with cybernetics, and biomechanics. He is not a skilled fighter, but he makes up with his skills in computers. So, while you are out in the field, keep an eye out for, Watts. Watts, and anyone else you may see with him. Any questions?
Several hands among the, Specialist rose up, Ironwood nodded his head in silent pride of his, Specialist incitive to ask questions about their missions.
Ironwood: Clover?
Clover: Since we've identified this man, and we know his specialties, what countermeasures are we implementing to counter him?
Ironwood: We've been beefing up the cybersecurity, and fire walls around, Atlas to prevent him from exploiting our systems.
Jaune: Are you also upgrading the cybersecurity for, Mantle, Sir?
Ironwood: Yes, after the implantations of the fortifications are done, we need to beef up the severally unreliable security systems in, Mantle.
Jaune: Good. May, I ask another question, Sir?
Ironwood: Of course.
Jaune: During the, Fall, the, Atlas's Knights turned on us. Do you think that this, Arthur Watts fellow had anything to do with that?
Ironwood: Hmmm... That is a good question... It is likely theory that it was him who hacked our, Knights during the, Fall. I best order that the, Knight be given an upgrade as well. Excellent observation, Specialist Arc.
Jaune: Thank you, Sir.
Harriet: Wait, if this man hacked, and hijacked our, Knights... Then what's the chance of him doing the same to, Penny? I mean... she may look human, but she is an android.
Silence enveloped the room as everyone turned to look at, Penny as she nervous looked about. Ruby took her hand as she tried to reassure her friend at the sudden realization that she could be hack, and turned to attack her friends.
Ironwood: Hmm... Penny?
Penny: Y-Y-Yes, Sir?
Ironwood: Call your father, I wish to have a meeting with him at his lab, and I will require your presence as well for this meeting. We have... much to discuss about.
Penny: Yes, Sir...
Ironwood: Now, then... Specialist Arc?
Jaune: Yes, Sir?
Ironwood: Based on the fact, Tyrian tried to attack, Robyn Hill, it is evident she has become a target. I want you to go down to, Mantle, and inform her of the situation. Since you saved her from, Tyrian she will no doubt trust you.
Yang: Wait, Jaune saved, Robyn Hill?
Nora: When did that happen?!
Penny: The same day he killed, Tyrian Tallows.
Weiss: When did that happen?
Penny: Three days ago.
RWBYNR: What?!
Nora: Did you know this, Penny?
Penny: Yes, I was there when we extracted, Tyrian's dead body.
Ruby: Why didn't you tell us any of this?!
Penny: ...
Penny: Error...
The Specialists, as well as, General Ironwood all stared at the members of, Team RWBY as well as, Penny, Nora, and Ren. waiting for them to stop their impromptu conversation.
Ruby: Eh-hehe... Sorry...
The group finished staring at them before returning to face, General Ironwood, and his presentation.
Jaune: Understood. How much information am I allowed to share with her, Sir?
Ironwood: Only what she needs to know, Specialist.
Jaune: Understood.
Ironwood: Now then, go down to, Mantle, and inform her of what is happening.
Jaune: Yes, Sir! Permission to leave, Sir?
Ironwood: Permission granted.
Jaune got up, and grabbed, Crocea Mors, attaching it to his waist as he made to leave, but was stopped as, Winter made an impromptu request.
Winter: Sir! Permission to accompany, Specialist Arc.
Ironwood: Denied.
Winter: May I ask why, Sir?
Ironwood: You are needed here for information about, Tyrian's prosthetic tail.
Winter: But, shouldn't, Specialist Arc be accompanied by his fellow, Specialist's? After all, it hasn't been a day yet since he was discharged from the hospital.
Ironwood: No, Specialist Arc, has proved himself more than capable of handling himself with, Tyrian; He should be fine.
Winter: But, shouldn't he have someone with him when it comes to dealing with that bitch...?! I mean, Robyn Hill?
Vine: Did she just call, Robyn Hill a, 'bitch?'
Elm: I-Is she jealous...?
Harriet: Wait, does that mean, Winter likes...?!
Clover: Oh, he's totally going to have to explain that to me later.
Marrow: Wait... what's going on?
Ironwood: No, your reputation as my second, and as, Jacques Schnee's daughter will no doubt sour her willingness to discuss anything with you present.
Winter: Shit!
Ironwood: You're dismissed, Mr. Arc.
Jaune: Uhh... Yes, Sir.
Winter soon took her seat, her arms crossed as she silently grumbled to herself. But, as she grumbled to herself, Harriet leaned over to ask her the important question that was on everyone's mind.
Harriet: So... You, and Jaune~?
Winter: Fuck off!
Harriet: Okay?!
All the while this was happening, Weiss was a few rows behind her sister losing her mind at the sudden realization.
Weiss: Winter... likes, Jaune?!
Yang: Looks like he did steal your sister away...
Weiss: What the fuck?!
Ruby: Guys the meetings over, we need to ask, Jaune what happened before he leaves!
Yang: Oh, shit you're right!
Nora: Let's go! He's got a lot of questions to answer us!
Weiss: Many questions!
Ruby: Jaune wait!
Jaune was walking towards the landing pads, and was about to reach one of the bullheads when his named was called out from behind him. When he turned around he saw seven individuals he wasn't looking forward to see. A tired sigh escaped his lips, as he stood before them with his hand resting on his swords pommel.
Jaune: Can I help you?
Ruby: You were in the hospital?!
Blake: You killed, Tyrian?!
Ren: They said you were poisoned, were you poisoned because of, Tyrian's stinger?
Nora: Why didn't you tell us any of this?!
Weiss: Did you fuck my sister?!
Jaune was going to answer their string of questions, but was stopped when, Weiss asked her very deliberate, 'important' question. In fact, her question derailed everyone's train of thought. They all shared a stare at, Weiss who looked back at them all in indignation.
Weiss: What?
Jaune just shook his head, before answering everyone's question, deciding to answer, Weiss's first. She looked like she was about to blow a gasket if he didn't answer her first.
Jaune: Okay, Weiss... Winter, and I... Well... we're not in a relationship... there is something there... but... we're... yeah...
Yang: You have no idea what's going on between the two of you, do you?
Jaune: I have as much as an idea as, Winter does. I mean, I like her, she likes me... She kissed me when I was in the hospital. Other than...?!
A flash of steel flew through the air as, Weiss drew her rapier, and pointed it at, Jaune's face. He stared at the tip of the blade, resting mere inches from his face. Jaune watched as, Weiss, was being restrained by, Yang, and Ruby. While, Jaune just nonchalantly pushed the blade away from his face with his finger.
Jaune: Weiss, if you want to know anything about this... situation, then ask, Winter. I'm still not sure what to do with her, and... yeah...
Weiss: Fine... but, if I heard you did anything to my sister, I will gut you like a fish!
Jaune: Noted...
Weiss then sheathed her blade, but was still staring daggers at, Jaune.
Jaune: Haa... Okay...
Jaune: I went to the walls of, Mantle to check on the progress of the fortifications. I learned that members of the, Happy Huntresses caused a small disruption at the wall. I learned about a rally that, Robyn Hill was holding, so I went down to ask her what happened.
Jaune: It turns out that only a few of her followers went down to the wall, they were simply demanding why it was taking so long, Luckily members of the, Happy Huntresses dispersed the crowds. After, Robyn Hill explained this to me, I decided to stick around so nothing happened. Good thing that I did...
Jaune: While I was watching the crowd at the rally I noticed a suspicious individual making their way to the stage. I moved to cut them off, and low, and behold it's, Tyrian.
Jaune: So, we fought, I was mostly stalling for time for help to arrive, and to buy time for the civilians to get out. Robyn stayed behind to help me fight, Tyrian. I learned that, Robyn was, Tyrian's target, so to make sure he didn't kill her I threw my sword at him. This left me exposed, and then he jumped me, stabbed my in the shoulder with his shoulder. He then pinned, Robyn down, and was about to kill her. When I then got up, and snapped his neck, killing him. Then fainted, no doubt from a combination of, Tyrian's poison, and an adrenaline rush. Then I woke up in the hospital a day later. Annnnd, that's it.
As, Jaune finished speaking everyone stopped, and stared at, Jaune in stunned amazement. Several of them, Yang, and Blake wanted to call bullshit, but since had, Tyrian's dead body in a morgue somewhere, it was pretty difficult to deny it.
Yang: Okay... that's a lot to take in...
Ren: All of that happened in a day... half a day at that?!
Jaune: A little less than that, but yeah, pretty much.
Blake: You got stabbed by, Tyrian's stinger, and got poisoned?
Jaune: Yeah, his prosthetic stinger was strong enough to pierce my armour. Not to mention his semblance made a hole in my aura to pierce through it. So, I got poisoned. Least I killed, Tyrian, and saved, Robyn Hill.
Nora: Jaune... W-Why didn't you tell us any of this happened?
Jaune could hear the sorrow, and the pain upon, Nora's face. He looked at her, and gave a tired sigh. But, as he thought of his answer, an interesting question came to mind.
Jaune: I was in a coma for over a day, and when I woke up I was going through medical tests to check for poison in my veins. But, if you want to be upset with anyone for not telling you I was in the hospital, they you should ask her, and ask why she didn't tell anyone I was in the hospital.
Jaune looked past, Nora, and looked towards, Penny who walked back in shock.
Penny: M-Me? Why me?
Jaune: You were there when the, Specialists took me to the hospital, and you were there with me, and General Ironwood when I was giving him a debriefing at the hospital. Why didn't you tell them anything about happened?
Penny: Well I...?
Jaune: Now that I think about it... You've been asked multiple times to contact, and find me, and you didn't, couldn't. You were supposed to invite people to my birthday, but you didn't invited anyone. You forgot about me during the game of hide 'an go seek. And, you've lost my contact data several times when you wanted to talk to me. Penny, do you hate me?
Penny: No, I don't hate you. Hiccup!
Everyone froze as they all turned to look at, Penny as a stunning realization slowly came in.
Yang: She hiccupped...?
Weiss: She's lying, why is she lying...?
Jaune: Do you hate me, Penny?
Penny: No, I'm don't. Hiccup!
Jaune: What did I do to make you hate me, Penny?
Penny: Nothing. I don't... Hiccup! I don't hate you. Hiccup!
Jaune: You know hiccupping is your tell, Penny. We all know you're lying. Why are you lying?
Penny: I'm not! Hiccup!
Jaune felt like, Penny was hiding something, not from him, no she was hiding something from herself. And, whatever it was involved him, but how was the question.
Jaune: You're not angry at me for something I did?
Penny: No, no I'm not!
Nora: She didn't hiccup?
Ren: But, why is she hiccupping?
Jaune: You're not angry at me for something I did... Then... Are angry at me because of something someone else did to you?
Penny: No. Hiccup!
Ruby: Why is she angry at him for something someone else did to her?
Yang: Good question...
Jaune: You're angry at me because of something someone else did to you. Yet, you're taking out your anger on me, and not the other person. You're using me as a proxy because you can't let that person know that you hate them...
Penny: N-No I'm not! Hiccup!
Jaune: Not because you don't want them to know you hate them, but because you can't hate them because... because they're dead...
A silence hung in the air as the realization struck them. Penny didn't hate, Jaune because it was, Jaune. She hated him because he was close to someone who hurt, Penny, and Jaune was the only person she could hurt in retribution.
But, this hate had been shoved away by, Penny's subconscious mind. Deep away that she could no longer remember what, or who it was she hated. But, the memory was not shoved deep enough that she didn't remember the raw emotions of this hate. No, she remembered the pain, the sorrow, and her hatred of the one who wronged her.
As, Jaune's mind struggled to put the pieces together he came to a sudden, and startling realization. The fact that there was only one person who had wrong, Penny, and was close to, Jaune that she could direct her hatred towards him.
Jaune: Pyrrha... You're angry at me, because, Pyrrha, my partner, killed you. And, because she's is dead, you cannot direct that hatred towards her, so you've been subconsciously directing it towards me. So, the reason you've been forgetting about me... Is because you've been substituting me for, Pyrrha, and you don't remember that you hate, Pyrrha. So you forget me?
Jaune smiled as he came to this stunning realization. It was a mad, and an absolutely bonkers idea. But, the worst part about, Jaune's mad theory was that it made sense, too much sense. And, they all knew that it was exactly what, Penny was subconsciously thinking when she started hiccupping like a storm.
Penny: That's not...! Hiccup! That's...! Hiccup! I don't...! Hiccup! Pyrrha, didn't...! Hiccup! I-I-I-I...! Hiccup! Hiccup! Hiccup!
Ruby: Penny? Penny, Penny, Penny!
Ruby, and Weiss rushed forward and, caught, Penny she was stumbling about in a fit of hiccups.
Weiss: She's having a panic attack!
Jaune: Ren, use your semblance!
Ren: On it!
Ren reached over, and placed his hand on, Penny's shoulder as a black wave flooded over, Penny as he breathing calmed down, and became more steadied. As they were all watching these things, Jaune gave them a look before walking back to the bullhead.
Ruby: J-Jaune?! Where are you going?
Jaune: I'm sorry, but I have a job to do. I don't have the time, or the training to deal with, Penny's hidden trauma. And, since I seem to be part of the cause of her trauma, I think it'd be for the best that I leave.
Jaune walked onto the bullhead and grabbed the handle bars on top.
Jaune: I'll leave this... situation to you. Till later then.
As the bullhead started to lift away, Jaune spared one last glance at the group as they all comforted their friend. Jaune couldn't help but feel envious that they showed such compassion to their friend.
But, it anger him, because they never showed such compassion to him. Never.
Jaune was walking down the auditorium as civilians walked around resetting things, some stopped him, and thanks them for saving them, Jaune just told them to thinking nothing of it, he was just doing his job.
But, as, Jaune moved closer, he looked up, and saw, Robyn, and some of her fellow, Happy Huntresses upon the stage. When, Robyn saw him, a wide smile erupted across her face as she came down to greet him.
Robyn: Jaune! You're here!
Jaune: Miss Hill, It is a pleasure to see you are doing well.
Jaune held out his hand as, Robyn came closer to him. Robyn looked at his hand for a moment before remembering to adopt her mask as, Ironwood's political enemy, thus, Specialist Jaune Arc's enemy.
A small smile still spread across her face as she shook, Jaune's hand before adopting a neutral mask once more.
Robyn: It is a pleasure to see you as well, Specialist Arc. How are you doing? I heard you were in the hospital for a while dealing with that scorpion faunas's poison.
Robyn knew fully well what happened to him at the hospital. She went there, and kissed... Checked up on him! No doubt this was just all a political game for the audience to enjoy.
Jaune: Luckily I was able to get to the hospital quickly, and was administered antivenom. I was unconscious for about a day as my body fought it, but bar being a little groggy I am fine. I'm on light duty while I fight threw the last of the poison.
Robyn: I see...
Jaune: Tell me, Miss Hill, how are you doing? Dealing with a near death experience from a psychotic faunas who wanted you dead because your platform wasn't pro-faunas enough must have been pretty straining.
Robyn quirked an eye brow at, Jaune's statement. She quickly caught on to the story he was trying to spread so the citizens present could better understand why, Robyn was attacked by, Tyrian Callows.
Robyn: Ahh yes... Well, you try, and give people something to make their lives easier, yet they still want the world...
Jaune: Did you expect someone like the late, Jacques Schnee to be happy with a just one slice of the cake?
Robyn: No he wouldn't. The greedy bastard would want the whole bakery.
The duo of a politician, and a Specialist as well as several of the people surrounding them shared a laugh. There are many things that divided the people of, Atlas, and Mantle, but shitting on, Jacques Schnee was something that would unite them all.
Jaune: Now then, I need to have a word with you, Miss Hill. It has to do with your recent attack. Alone.
Robyn: Very well. Will you come with me?
Jaune: Lead the way, Miss Hill.
Robyn, had taken, Jaune on a walk to the head quarters of the, Happy Huntresses. Wasn't much of a place really, just a abandoned warehouse with beddings, and what not put into it to make it live able.
Jaune: And, this is your 'secret base?' It's nice... A little spartan for my liking.
Robyn: You don't like it?
Jaune: Nope. It's has about as much life, and personality as your wanted posters do.
Robyn: Wanted posters? HAS, General Ironwood made wanted posters for...?
Jaune: Your political posters.
Robyn: My campaign posters? What are you...?
Robyn turned to look at one of her campaign posters. She gazed at the strong, and proud visage as it presented in her in a...
Robyn: Oh shit... It does look like a wanted poster...
Robyn's body slumped over as she realized the blunder she had just made. Jaune walked by her, patting her should in a comforting gesture.
Jaune: Don't worry, you're worth at least, ten thousand lien.
Robyn: T-Ten thousand?! I'm at least worth fifteen thousand!
Jaune: Yeah, keep dreaming big, Robyn. Keep dreaming.
Robyn: Ass...
Jaune: Haha.
Jaune then walked past, Robyn as he rubbed his head with his hand letting loose a tired, and pained groan.
Robyn: Are you okay?
Robyn walked over to, Jaune, and place her hand on his shoulder.
Jaune: I'm fine... just a little dizzy. Poison is still being purged from my system.
Jaune shook his head as a deep breath left his lungs.
Jaune: Okay, let's get down to business...
Jaune: Your would be assassin, as I mentioned before, his name was, Tyrian Callows. He was sent here to kill you in order to destabilize the relationship between, Atlas, and Mantle.
Robyn: I suppose that line about me not being pro-faunas enough for his liking was for the common folk?
Jaune: A lie yes, but a believable one nonetheless. The White Fang may have been weakened in the rest of, Remnant, but based on the reports I've read there is still a sizeable force here in, Mantle.
Robyn: Really? I thought after what happened at, Beacon, and at Haven Academy they would have been disbanded.
Jaune: Technically they did, that is if you can call a rebranding a disbanding.
Robyn: They rebranded?
Jaune: Yep, the Atlas faction of the, White Fang is now calling themselves the, Ice Fangs.
Robyn: Ice Fang? Not a bad name...
Jaune: Better than the 'Happy Huntresses.' Who came up with that dumb name?
Robyn: Hey!
Robyn lightly punched, Jaune's arm as he laughed at her expense. The smile on her face was radiant as she laughed with him. But, her smile slowly fell as serious face crossed her face.
Robyn: Will he be the last, or the first among many that seeks to take my life?
Jaune: ...
Jaune: It's hard to tell... They might come after you again, so I suggest you keep your guard up. But, they might not come after you; General Ironwood is their main target, there's no doubt about that. Tyrian may have just been exploring, Mantle, learned that you were holding a rally, and that you happened to be there. You could have just been nothing more than a target of opportunity.
Robyn: That's somewhat comforting...
Robyn: You promise you'll save me, from these... shadows in the dark?
Jaune: I swore that I would, Robyn. Arc's don't break their word.
Robyn walked over to, Jaune and gently grabbed his collar as she looked at him.
Robyn: You know... It really is nice to have a knight in shinning armour watching over me...
As she was playing with his collar, she noticed he was wearing the badge she gave him.
Robyn: You're wearing the badge I gave you! It's crooked, may I...?
Jaune: Go ahead. I just put it on today. I think it got moved around when, Winter interrogated me about it.
Robyn froze as she was readjusting the badge.
Robyn: She did what...?
Jaune: Yeah, she saw it, and I explained it how I got it, and why I called it a token of affection, she lost it when I said that...
Robyn: Lost it...?
Jaune: Yeah. She gave me this sash when I join the, Specialist as a present. Then after she learned about the badge you gave me being a token of affection, me being a knight and all of that. She decided that this sash was her token of affection, to her knight. It was really scary actually...
Robyn: A token of affection...? Winter's token of affection... for you...?
Jaune: Yeah... her token of affection for her knight. That's what she said.
Robyn: 'Her' knight...? Jaune...?
Jaune: Y-Yes, Robyn...?
Jaune felt a chill run up his spine, a chill that only intensified as she stared at him with those cool lilac eyes of hers. She gripped the collars of his coat in her hands as she gave him a cold smile.
Robyn: Jaune~! Please tell me what your relationship with, Winter Schnee is~?
Jaune: S-S-She's my superior officer! Nothing more!
Robyn: It's red!
Jaune: What?! You're using your semblance on me, not cool, Robyn!
Robyn: Tell me the truth, Jaune!
Jaune: Okay okay okay! I have a crush on her, she somehow has a crush on me of all people! She's given me a token of affection! That's it!
Robyn: Its red again!
Jaune: Okay, okay! We've kissed, that's it!
Robyn: When did you two kiss?!
Jaune: At the hospital! B-Before you kissed me!
Robyn: What?! She kissed you before me, dammit! Alright then, Jaune... you tell, Specialist Winter Schnee this! We are at war!
Jaune: War? What are you talking abou... MMPH?!
Robyn pulled, Jaune in by the collar for a hungry, and thirsty kiss. As the kiss ended, she bit his lips, dragging her teeth across his lips as she pulled away, as she let out a deep, hungry gasp of air, as she stared at him with hearts in her eyes.
Robyn: We're at war, for you~!
Jaune: F-F-For me...?!
Robyn: For you~!
Jaune: Uh oh...
Jaune entered the locker room for the, Specialist. He hadn't done much today, mostly talking with people, but good gods he felt exhausted.
As he entered the room, he saw, Winter at her locker. She turned, and smile when she heard him enter.
Jaune: Hey, Winter.
Winter: Oh, hello... Jaune...?
Jaune: Something wrong, Winter?
Winter walked over to, Jaune grabbing his cheeks as she looked at his face.
Winter: Is that lipstick on your face?
Jaune: Oh shit! I forgot to... Ahhh?!
Winter fiercely grabbed, Jaune by his collar, a common theme of the day so it seemed.
Winter: Who kissed you?!
Considering this was the third time he had been roughly grabbed by his collars by a feisty. Huntress, Jaune decided it was best to just answer her, less he gets killed, but a jealous woman.
Jaune: Robyn, Robyn Hill did it! S-She likes me, just like you do!
Winter: SHE WHAT?!
Jaune: A-And, she kissed me as her declaration of war to you!
Winter: A declaration of war? For what?
Jaune: M-Me...
Winter: Okay... then the next time you see her, Jaune, tell her this!
Jaune: Tell her wha... MPHH?!
For the second time today, Jaune had been pulled in by the collar for a fierce kiss. Instead of teeth biting his lips, Jaune felt, Winter's tongue invade his mouth leaving a trail of saliva as she broke the kiss.
Winter: I accept~!
Winter lightly tapped his cheeks as she left, leaving a stunned, and very confused, Jaune behind. He panted heavily as he whipped his lips clean of the make up, and saliva from, Winter's tongue. With nothing but, one thought upon his mind.
Jaune: ...
Jaune: Well, I'm fucked...
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iheartmothz · 2 months ago
dgahb arkos doodles
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